A clean and safe way to deliver the future.

In 2020, the U.S. registered a total of 40,714 school buses. With school buses running consistently nine (9) months out of the year and utilizing mostly gasoline and diesel, imagine a simple switch to the lowest greenhouse gas emission fuel source available today.

Fortunately, there’s a solution.


What is CNG?

Compressed natural gas, or CNG, is a natural, colorless, odorless, nontoxic gas that is compressed under high-pressure to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric pressure. It contains many different compounds but the largest component is methane, a compound with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms (CH4).

CNG Fun Facts


CNG is safer than gasoline, propane, and diesel because it is a non-toxic gas that dissipates into the atmosphere quickly thus eliminating the risk of an explosion or spill. 

CNG is ‘clean burning,’ giving it a clean air advantage for students who suffer from allergies or asthma.

CNG fuel systems are fitted with valves and other safety devices to prevent leakage and eliminate the risk of an explosion. This makes them safer than the legal requirements for tanks. The valves automatically release pressure, so if there is excessive heat or pressure build-up, the valve will open and release the gas to the atmosphere.

Depending on air mixture, the ignition point for CNG is ~1200°F, whereas, gasoline is ~600°F; propane is between 920°F and 1020°F; and diesel is between 126°F and 205°F.

Go ‘Green’
to Get Green.


LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) credits are available for schools who make the switch to CNG to fuel their school buses.

Additionally, school can also apply for State and Federal grants to assist with costs towards a greener future. Learn more about the available grants here.

 Brands Who Made the Switch to CNG

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Budgets for school districts can be tight— it’s critical every dollar is at work and assisting with the improvement of the district.

CNG is substantially less expensive than other fuel/energy sources and on average, CNG costs about 30-50% less than gasoline, diesel, and propane.

 Coming soon to a
school district near you!

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