Is CNG safe?


CNG is safer than gasoline, propane, and diesel because it is a non-toxic gas that dissipates into the atmosphere quickly thus eliminating the risk of an explosion or spill.

CNG is ‘clean burning’— Not only is it an environmentally clean fuel alternative, CNG has a clean air advantage. Students who suffer from allergies or asthma will have an easier time breathing due to less irritation from harmful tailpipe exhaust.

According to the American Lung Association, 134 million Americans live in areas where the air quality is at an unhealthy level.

Over time, breathing in pollution particles increases your risk of asthma and asthma attacks, lung cancer, heart disease, premature death and it interferes with the development and work of the lungs.

Even short-term exposure to particle pollution can kill and can take place that very day or up to two months after exposure. Thankfully, we are already seeing a reduction in particle pollution in communities that are making the switch to cleaner energy.

Due to the gaseous state and fast dissipation of CNG, the risk of leaks and groundwater contamination is eliminated.

CNG is less likely to auto-ignite on hot surfaces since it has a high auto ignition temperature and a narrow range of inflammability.

  • Ignition point for CNG is ~1200°F 

  • Ignition point for gasoline is ~600°F

  • Ignition point for diesel is between 126°F and 205°F

  • Ignition point for propane is between 920°F and 1020°F

CNG fuel systems are fitted with valves and other safety devices to prevent leakage and eliminate the risk of an explosion.

Other Benefits of CNG

Explore more benefits of using CNG in your district’s buses by clicking/tapping each button below.